Drug Crimes
A drug crime can include any drug-related activity from drug sales or transportation to possessing certain prescription medicines without a prescription (such as Vicodin) to manufacturing drugs in your home. Being under the influence of drugs, even if they came from a friend, is also a crime.
While most interactions with drugs are considered criminal offenses, a criminal charge requires adequate evidence to prove that you did use or possess drugs – and that evidence must be gathered legally. Our criminal lawyers work with our clients to make sure your constitutional rights were not violated during an investigation and in gathering any “evidence” that may affect a conviction.
Having a criminal defense lawyer who understands your constitutional rights is crucial to ensure your rights were not violated. If police find drugs on your property, and they believe you may have planned to sell them – for example, you have scales, cash, or you’ve divided them into several containers – they can charge you with a more serious crime than simply possessing drugs. This could happen even if you had no intention of selling the drugs, if it was your first time being in possession of drugs, or if the drugs actually belonged to someone else.
Possessing and using prescription drugs, when they are not properly prescribed, is also a crime. Looking for a doctor who will prescribe you with painkillers on very little evidence is a criminal offense, as is changing prescription information to extend a prescription you received. In fact, even doctors and nurses prescribing medication, if they prescribe the medication to someone with a drug addiction, could face drug charges. Communicating your knowledge and intentions in a situation is crucial to ensuring the best result is achieved.
Our aggressive representation of drug offenses include the following;
- Drug possession
- Drug trafficking
- Marijuana possession
- Possession of a dangerous drug
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
- Prescription drug crimes
- Dangerous drug crimes
If you’ve been charged with a drug crime, whether it’s marijuana, prescription drugs or dangerous drugs, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent your best interests in court.
Hiring an Experienced Criminal Attorney
Hiring a experienced and locally based criminal attorney is an important step in the criminal process. A Glendale criminal lawyer should be hired within the week following an arrest. A skilled criminal attorney should have specialized knowledge and access to the resources necessary to competently defend you and successfully fight your criminal charges.
The criminal defense attorneys at Glendale Criminal Lawyer are dedicated to providing the highest-quality defense available to our clients. It all starts with your free case review, where you can get a better idea of the legal road ahead. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary and private consultation with our superior criminal lawyers.